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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Greenmarket ~ Union Square ~ New York City

Last weekend we spent 2 days in New York City to celebrate my 32nd birthday and Valentine's Day.  We stayed at the W Hotel ~ Union Square on Park Avenue S, which was beautiful.  We absolutely loved this hotel! 
The W Hotel Union Square
Union Square Greenmarket Farmers Market
Union Square is an amazing area to stay in Manhattan for many reasons but one of the best is the Union Square Greenmarket, which is right across the street from the hotel in Union Square Park.  The outdoor market is open all year on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (the busiest day) from 8-6pm.  The market attracts dozens of regional, small family farmers and gives them an opportunity to sell their goods.  During peak season, there is an average of 250,000 people who come to the market each week.  The median distance between the farmer and the market:  90 miles.  Nice!

The market is not only a great place to people watch, but to also stock up on fresh fruits, veggies, hot apple cider, meats, cheeses and fresh pasta.  We made an extra stop back at the market before the vendors packed up and we headed back to Philadelphia on Saturday evening.  We walked away with homemade spinach fettucini for our Valentine's Night dinner of sauted shrimp in a lemon garlic, white wine sauce that I tossed with diced cherry tomatoes.  The pasta was simply delicious.  I wondered how many local chefs from the city's top restaurants take advantage of the market?  Also, at the end of the week, much of the unsold produce is donated to City Harvest where the food is put to immediate use helping to provide food for New Yorkers in need.

Along with the delicious homemade pasta, we also purchased 2 photographs that we are going to frame and hang in our kitchen.  (Blackberries-Jerome's favorite and raspberries-my fav.)  Perfect photos for the kitchen and an even more perfect reminder of our lovely weekend in Union Square.  The pictures were taken of the fruit right here at the market by a local vendor.

Local vendor selling wheatgrass shots. Yum.

Location: Union Square West from 15 to 17 Streets, 17 Street from Broadway to Park Ave South
Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 8AM-6PM, year round. 2010 scheduled changes: 11/26, 12/25 & 1/1 will close for the holidays.
Union Square Holiday Market: 11/23/10 ~ 12/24/10

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